Like the dripping rain drops in the lake
And the tiny circle of wave that it makes
Turning into countless ripples that move out
Not finding the shores near to stop about,
In the tiny heart of fistful size
Filled with ripples of desires of infinite size
In trying to fulfill and carry it in life too far
Dreams and struggles to reach the limitless boundaries afar.
Counting the gains and covering the loses
And in between making so many lapses
The countless desires and greed
That the heart carries is great indeed.
While making the counting move with ripples
Makes the heart to beat in leaps and bounds.
Like the dark shadows that become long and dwarf
Moving around the lighted lamp,
The death also moves round in ripples and fall
Reaching out to far away shores or Limiting on to nearby walls
Not leaving any alone with aplomb.
Effort to correct the mistakes and missing of the past
The death enters without a mistake so fast.
When everything comes to a standstill form
It becomes unknown
For what and why these ripples have formed.

By Sundareswaran Date 6th July 2014

What is this?

What is this, what is this, what shall I say for?

My mind, I don’t know, is flying where far

It talks in silence with me in crisp and clear

My lips, I think, gets filled with a smile that’s endear.


Will love blossom when four eyes meet

Will it be sufficient for a lifetime tweet?

Shaajahaan  gifted his love in Taj Mahal boldly

Saleem had to submit to the brick cell meekly

When the love that blossomed flies with its new wings

It leaves far behind the memories of love that rings.

My mind gets filled with new and myriad thoughts to the brim.

What is this, what is this, what shall I say for?

My mind, I don’t know, is flying where far?


My mind is forcing me to fly in the sky

Lack of wings makes it feel shy and cry

It wants me to touch the rainbow by hand so far

When I near, it goes again very far.

The love is pure that the mind commands

The unity of two souls that it demands.

It stands like the pans of a balance in air

To test the weakness and the firmness of mind I dare

One side tells me to venture in it

The other side calls out to check my trait.

The pointer tells to keep my mind alert

I am at lose to go to which side of the desert.

This hangs up in my heart like a puzzle unsolved.

What is this, what is this, what shall I say for

My mind, I don’t know, is flying where far.


All the seasons will change as per time

All what we have seen will disappear over a time

One thing that will remain ever

That is the love between us that’s forever.

There can be changes in the length of day and night

There can be changes in the nature that is sly and bright

When we two become one and confirm

There won’t be changes in our bosom.

But my mind still fails to accept and remains in dim.

What is this, what is this, what shall I say for?

My mind, I don’t know, is flying where far


I, even, talk with you always in my dreams

I see your face, even when I close my eyes

All what I think in dream are dancing like waves as vine

And this I came to know as seasonal changes in mine.

The moon may look fading away in the sky for a while

The hues and colours in the space also change with a gale

The one that never changes will be our love

Ever remain like an unfading full moon glow.

In our togetherness and in the days that come forever

There will be ever blossoming flowers in nature everywhere.

And now I have understood what true love is.

What is this, what is this, what shall I say for

When I am feeling a new charm in my life.


Date: 16th June 2014


By Sundareswaran